Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's a girl! And...Another Girl. And another, and another...

I want to preface this post with my sincerest apologies.  I know that the pictures are probably the best part about this blog (what that says for my writing, I don't know), but I inspected last time on my own, and going solo makes taking pictures difficult.  I then have to hold the frame, the camera, and sweep bees out of the way of the proposed picture by myself.  Sadly, being equipped with only two hands, I'm not very adept at doing this all by myself, so the pictures aren't up to the normal standards of the blog.
Here you can see a lot of empty cells(the darker ones are all empty) surrounded by lots of (the lighter colored) capped cells.  Those empty cells were all capped and full just days ago, but we've gotten (with one hive) around to the hatching stage, where new bees are constantly breaking their way free of their birthing cells and joining the productivity of the hive. 
This picture shows two very blurry bees making their way out of their cells.  They're tough to see, but since they are doing this continually, I will get some better pictures next time I get Erin to come out with me and inspect.  For now, the bees are hatching like crazy and the population is exploding. 

Hive two is progressing rather well, and has been given a second hive body with frames to fill up.  As of yesterday, Hive one still hadn't released their new queen, so I helped them along, and she is hopefully laying eggs by now.  I'll give her a few more days to get established before I go bothering them.  Thanks for reading, and I'll "bee" back with you as soon as there is anything new.

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